Midya Yousefi, 博士
办公室:GEH A404
Midya is an assistant professor in the Ed.D. & MA programs at Wenzhou-Kean University. she has more than 8 years of experience in teaching Educational Management & Leadership courses. She has taught students from different countries such as Malaysia, India, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Bahrain, and China. Her educational leadership roles include being the program leader of the MSc. in Education management & head of the Centre for leadership & Development in Malaysia. She is experienced in quantitative research methodology and facilitating different statistical software workshops including SPSS, AMOS & SmartPLS. In addition, Dr. Midya has supervised Ph.D., MA, & DBA students’ theses.
2019-2021 讲师兼课程主管, (教育领导与管理硕士课程), 百纳利大学管理和创业
2015-2018 研究生助理,(教育研究学院), 马来西亚理科大学
2013-2015 教学助理,(教育研究学院), 马来西亚理科大学
Yousefi, M & Devi, R. (2021). Globalization and Internationalization in Higher Education: Terminologies, Approaches, Similarities, and Differences. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 19(17):2994-3004. https://www.tojqi.net/index.php/journal/article/view/6180..
Mathende, T. and Yousefi, M. (2021) Transformational Leadership Role and Means Efficacy on Work Performance under Volatile Uncertain Complex and Ambiguous Environment. Open Journal of Leadership, 10, 277-299. DOI: 10.4236/ojl.2021.104018.
Al-Balushi, M. H. J., Kian, M. W., & Yousefi, M. (2021). The Impact of Strategic Planning on the Performance of Governmental Organizations: An Empirical Study on Oman’s Five-Year Plan (2011-2015). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(3), 314–339. http://dx.doi.org/10.6007/IJAREMS/v10- i3/11314
Goko, E and Yousefi, M. (2020). An exploratory study of gender diversity in newsrooms within three mainstream media organizations in Zimbabwe: A stakeholder perspective. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology. http://www.palarch.nl/
Yousefi, M., Devi, R., & Shuib, A. (2019). Organizational Stress Indicators and Influence on Academic Performance in Private Universities. Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(3A), pp. 1 – 5. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081401
Yousefi, M and Abdul Ghani, K., A. 2019. The Impact of Organizational stressors on Job Performance. International Journal of Instruction. http://www.e-iji.net/volumes/353
Yousefi, M and Abdul Ghani, K., A. 2017. How to cope with organizational stress. International Journal of Current Innovation Research. http://journalijcir.com/issues/how-cope-organizational-stress
Yousefi, M, Abdul Ghani, K., A. & Abdul Rashid. M. 2016. Stress in Organization: How to Reduce Job Stress in Workplace. International Journal of Research in Management and Business Studies. http://ijrmbs.com/vol3issue2/midya.pdf
Yousefi, M, Abdul Ghani, K., A. & Abdul Rashid. M. 2015. The Perspective of Postgraduate Students’ Training and Teaching on Classroom Management Strategies. Australian Journal of Basic Applied Sciences. http://ajbasweb.com/old/ajbas/2015/Special%20MPCN%20Bandung/13-18.pdf
Abdul Rashid. M., Yousefi, M &Damavand. A. (2015). A Guidebook for Research Students (Postmen Program). School of Educational Studies USM press. ISBN: 128-167-399-564-9
Awang, A., Yousefi, M., Isak, n., & Sulaiman, S. 2012. School-based Oral English Assessment (SBOEA) as part of English Language curriculum: The Perceptions of the English Teachers: A Handbook for Curriculum Studies. Universities Sains Malaysia Press. ISBN: 978-967-399-185